The most important phase of treating women for infertility is balancing and restoring harmony to the body. This includes balancing hormones and the female menstrual cycle. In fact, the female monthly menstrual cycle is like a monthly report card. It gives me vital information on the condition of a women’s movement of qi, her quality of blood and what kind of deficiencies or blockages her body may have. All of which factor into her ability to get pregnant, and most importantly – stay pregnant. Taking all of these aspects into consideration, I choose appropriate acupuncture points, acupuncture treatments, and Chinese herbal medicine to best bring a woman’s body back into balance in the shortest amount of time possible. This in turn, balances the woman’s hormonal system, allowing the proper amount of female hormones to be manufactured at optimal levels and at the most optimal time for fertility. When the right acupuncture treatments and medicine are administered, a woman will naturally feel revitalized with higher energy levels, less stress, a resilient body and an innate sense of well-being. This is a most favorable state to be in for conception to occur.