Even if you have tried for years to become pregnant naturally or with the assistance of Western medical procedures such as IVF and IUI, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which includes acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can help you. Traditional Chinese medicine is steeped in the task of restoring harmony and balance to the body and mind. And if you have been unsuccessful in your efforts to become pregnant, there is likely an imbalance that has been overlooked, even when all your medical tests and blood work seem to be normal. From a Chinese medical standpoint, even subtle signs and symptoms can cause problems with a woman’s fertility.

For instance too much exposure to cold food or cold weather can cause cold to enter the uterus and affect a woman’s ability to conceive. A light menstrual cycle where a woman also experiences dizziness or insomnia can indicate a blood deficiency even though her blood work does not show anemia. This could manifest as a thin endometrial lining, making it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant itself. For conception to occur the Kidney’s yin and yang energy must be in perfect balance.

In addition, the body’s qi and blood must also be regulated and harmonized. Women who begin to integrate Traditional Chinese medicine express that they are finally beginning to take charge of their bodies. They stop fighting their infertility and become more in tune to their bodies’ natural rhythms and cycles. They feel like each acupuncture treatment or dose of herbal medicine, bring them closer to their goal. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine begin to restore balance and harmony to their bodies, increasing their natural fertility.