As a post-partum mom of twins, I suffered from chostochondritis and severe wrist pain and was scheduled to undergo surgery to alleviate the pain. I wasn’t too thrilled about having the surgery, and shared this with one of the nurses at Dr. Kosasa’s, my OB’s office, who referred me to Edie. Once I started seeing Edie for the pain, I began to feel relief rather quickly. Soon enough my pain was completely gone, yet I continued to see her for over a year for maintenance and for the other benefits that acupuncture was providing me. During my time with her, many of my menstrual issues also improved. My cycle was regulated and I no longer suffered from cramps and headaches. My overall health was improving as I felt more energetic and relaxed. Once my twins were almost two years old, my husband and I started talking about expanding our family. My OB suggested that we do IUI this time around in hopes for another child (for my first pregnancy we tried IUI three times, ultimately conceiving our twins with one round of IVF). During a routine acupuncture treatment, I mentioned to Edie that we were thinking about expanding our family and would be doing IUI at some point in the fall. Edie switched my next acupuncture treatment to a more fertility-based treatment. I didn’t think anything of it until I got pregnant naturally that very month, after one fertility focused treatment. I was completely shocked as I honestly didn’t believe I could get pregnant naturally – what a wonderful surprise! I continued seeing Edie throughout my pregnancy. This pregnancy was much different from my twin pregnancy as I had zero cramping, more energy and little cravings. I would often go to a treatment feeling tired and was immediately energized afterwards. Having treatments during my pregnancy left me feeling refreshed, relaxed and more energized. It was so nice to see her from the very beginning of my pregnancy all the way until the day before I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. – M. K., Honolulu, HI